Seru Palibandera
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Seru Palibandera means mountain of the flag pole. Was there a flag pole on top of this mountain and got this mountain its name in this way? Interesting enough to go checking. So the Archaeology Sleuths went investigating. On Thursday March 6 we met at the entrance of the Christoffelpark. From there we drove to a parking lot close to this mountain where we parked our car. Before we started our hike to the top we went for a look at the large field of rocks closeby. Apparently the slaves were convinced that if they brought a lot of rocks here and that if they didn't eat salt they would be transported back to Africa. If there is any truth in this story, I don't know, probably not. But true or not at least we had a special experience here.
Seru Macomba
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This hill has the name Seru Macomba on the topographical map made by Kadaster in 1993. On the oldest topographical map created by Werbata in 1906 this hill has the name Seroe Macamba. Macamba being the name, not always meant to be friendly, given to the white people from The Netherlands. Somewhere between 1906 and 1993 someone decided to give this hill a more neutral name.
On Thursday February 26, 2014 we had an appointment with mister Hoyer, a kunukeru in the area next to this seru. He would be our guide on that day. We also had a special guest, a relative of Carel de Haseth. He is living in the States for a long time and is on vacation in Curaçao. Locally he is known under the name Opi de Haseth.
Seru Tinta
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On Thursday February 20, 2014 we went to the Seru Tinta in the Christoffel park. This is a 178 meters high hill next to the Christoffel mountain. We had no special reason to go to this specific hill other than that most of us had not yet been there. We had a special guest that day in the person of Karel Aster.
We all met at 8 AM at the entrance of the Christoffel park where we parked our cars and went on with only 2 cars.
Seru Manuel
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Between the Seru Bosman and the Seru Manuel there is a large system of "roinan" (plural of roi in Papiamentu, which means place where the water flows from the mountains in the rain season). Fred had seen "something" close to the main roi on the topographical map made by Werbata in the beginning of the 20th century. This "something" looked like a fenced-in area with a wooden house in the middle. Interesting enough for an expedition by the archaeology sleuths. So we met at the entrance of the Christoffel park on Thursday February 6, 2014 at 8 AM. From there we drove into the Christoffel park to get to the Seru Bosman. There we parked our cars.
Seru Bomba Bua
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On Thursday January 30, 2014 we visited the Christoffelpark once again. But this time we went to the part to the North of the entrance and more specific to the area bordering the Northern part of the former plantation of St. Hyronimus. We met at 8 AM at the entrance of the Christoffel park and drove with two cars towards Serka Manuel. There we parked the cars and started our hike. Our target for the day was the Werbata triangulation point that we hoped to find on top of the Seru Bomba Bua
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