An overview of my most favorite pictures; these are made over time so some are with the first digital camera (Sealife DC500), others with my second digital camera (Sea&Sea DX-1G) and some with my most recent camera (Olympus E-PM1)
Atlantic Mushroom Coral
Bearded Fireworm
Black Crinoid and young Trumpetfish
Black and White Crinoid
Branching Anemone
Caribbean Reef Octopus
Caribbean Reef Squids
Christmas Tree Worm Purple
Christmas Tree Worm
Christmas Tree Worms on Peach encrusting Sponge
Common Octopus
Convoluted Barrel Sponge
Detail of Golden Crinoid
Detail of Magnificent Feather Duster
Detail of Peach encrusting Sponge
Detail of Star Coral
Detail of tip of a Gorgonian
Excurrent Opening of a sponge
Flamingo Tongue Snail at Baya
Flamingo Tongue Snail at Daaibooi
Frond Oyster covered with Peach encrusting Sponge
Giant Anemone with purple tips
Giant Anemone wth white tips
Glasseye Snapper
Golden Zoanthid
Goldentail Moray Eel in Plate coral
Goldentail Moray Eel
Hawksbill Turtle
Hidden Anemone
Juvenile Spotted Drum
Lettuce Sea Slug blue variety
Lettuce Seal Slug white
Long-spined Urchin under Sheet Coral
Longlure Frogfish at Baya
Longlure Frogfish
Longsnout Seahorse
Magnificent Feather Duster
Nice Arrangement of sponges Christmas trees
Pederson Cleaner Shrimp on Branching Anemone
Pederson Cleaner Shrimp on Star Coral
Queen Angelfish
Sargassum Triggerfish
Sculptured Slipper Lobster
Slender Filefish
Small Yellowline Arrow Crab
Smooth Trunkfish
Social Feather Duster detail
Social Feather Duster
Solitary Disk Coral
Southern Stingray
Spanish Lobster and Longspine Squirrelfish
Sponges on wreck of large pontoon at Car Pile
Spotted Cleaner Shrimp
Spotted Scorpionfish detail
Spotted Scorpionfish
Squat Anemone Shrimp
Structure in Caracasbay Eastside
Superior Producer Wreck entrance into the cabine
Superior Producer Wreck stair next to bow
Superior Producer Wreck starboard side
Superior Producer Wreck the bridge
Superior Producer Wreck view from the bridge
Superior Producer wreck the hold
Two Banded Buttefly fish in Giant Barrel Sponge
Two Banded Coral Shrimp in Branching Vase Sponge
Two Pederson Cleaner Shrimps on Anemone
Underwater sailing
Variable Boring Sponge on Orange Sieve Encrusting sponge
Wreck of the Tugboat
Yellowline Arrow Crab inside Branching Vase Sponge
Yellowline Arrow Crab on Golden Crinoid
Yellowline Arrow Crab on Sheet Coral
Yellowline Arrowcrab on Anemone
Young Knobby Cactus Coral
Young Rose Coral