The development of Vaersenbaai has started again. The old weekend houses and the old dive shop are removed. In the future a renewed beautiful beach will arise at this place. A first impression how it will look like can be found at the web site of Trunkdivers; Trunkdivers will run the new dive shop at this location. Also information can be expected at the web site of Kokomo Beach.
Vaersenbaai Has always been a dive location with a variaty of diving options. Apart from the nice coral reef there are the car wrecks and the pontoon with which the cars are transported. Less well known is the fact that also the tugboat that is used to tow the pontoon is sunken here. That wreck lies beneath the acceptable depth for non-professional divers at a depth of 50 meters (150 feet).
To document the wreck I have made a number of dives at it together with Karel Boon of Trunkdivers. In the meantime we got a rather good picture of the wreck but the dimensions are still lacking. So we need some additional dives to complete this task.
Because of the depth of the wreck and taking into account the dive safety we have very limited time at the wreck per dive. We stay about 2 minutes at the wreck and then start a controlled ascent taking into account a decompression stop. We do ths while diving in the direction of the beach. even staying only 2 minutes at the wreck means that this is a deco dive and that we have a decompression ceiling that we are not allowed to cross before a certain time has passed.
Is is a nice wreck. It is smaller than the Superior Producer, but quite larger than the Tugboat at Baya. It is laying on its starboard side with the bow pointing towards the East. The steering cabin is pointing away from the shore. The wreck is in good condition. There is not as much coral and sponge coverage as on the Superior. Black coral is rather abundant at the wreck. Maube the limted coral and sponge coverage is caused by the depth.
The steering cabin is intact and it is possible to swim through it. The wreck has two holds. The forward hold is empty apart from horizontal struts along the inside of the hold. The other hold in the back contains the engine. Both holds are in principle accessible, but that is not advised because of the depth. I hope to take some pictures through the entrance. Up till now I wasn't able to get acceptable results.
A warning: This is for sure not a dive for unexperienced divers. Also experienced divers should only make this dive if the know how to do that safely. This is a dive with an increased risk. It is a no deco-dive so you need to know how to do a deco dive safely. You should also be able to recognize the effects of nitrogen narcosis.