Korporaal 20140814 022 smallKorporaal is an area roughly enclosed by the Caracasbaaiweg, the Seru Loraweg and the Weg naar Fuik. Largely undeveloped. François has lived close to this area and knew of a well and hofi in this area. The Werbata map showed a tanki and some rois; the later topographical maps (Kadaster 1962 and 1993) showed one or two wells in the Eastern part of the area.

We parked part of our cars at the new Burger King restaurant and the rest of the cars on both sides of the road near Napa. Close to Napa there is a dirt road that leads into this undeveloped area.

Apart from the fact that the area is largely undeveloped the area is strangely enough also largely free of dense vegetation. So it was easy to walk to the top of a hill closeby. From there we walked in the direction of the tanki. What we found was indeed a tanki, but completely empty. There were a large number of (dead) freshwater snails on the bottom of the tanki as proof that there was water here for quite some time.
While the others took a rest in the tanki I tried to reach the Caracasbaaiweg to get an idea where exactly the tanki was compared to the buildings along the road. I didn't reach the road because of a dense vegetation but could clearly see the C-bay shopping mall through the bushes directly opposite the tanki.

From the tanki we followed a path to the top of the highest hill in this area. From the top at 49 meters we had a nice view in all directions. This wide view made clear how large this undeveloped area is. What the reason is that this area was never parceled out is unclear. We found some markers as proof that the area was at least surveyed.

From the hill we went in the direction of some green bushes where we expected to find at least one well. In the end we found two wells at exactly the place where they were marked on the Kadaster 1993 map. The first one was intact and contained water. The second one was destroyed or collapsed. Only part of the rim was present. These wells were not present when Werbata made his map so they are constructed after 1909.
Remarkable detail of both wells is the way the inside is constructed. Apparently a rim of zinc plates was constructed inside the hole and then the space between the rock wall and the zinc plates was filled up with concrete. The zinc plates were then removed.
Another strange detail is that we found a Dreifi di laman close to the first well. These trees grow normally close to the sea as their name suggests. Apparently this one is planted here.

We walked through a part of the mondi that was burned. After a while we came in a former hofi with a number of really impressive Tamarind trees. François went looking for a well that he remembered from the time that he lived in this area but couldn't find what he was looking for.

We left the area on the Eastern side. There we found a lot of garbage along a dirt road despite signs along this road that asked not to dump anything there. In a yard bordering the dirt road we found a hearse, an automobile that was used to transport people to their last resting place. It found its own last resting place here.

No rights can be derived from this report

  • Korporaal_20140814_001Our hike through the area of Korporaal
  • Korporaal_20140814_005Carel in the dry tanki
  • Korporaal_20140814_006Freshwater snails at the bottom of the now dry tanky
  • Korporaal_20140814_008Nice Dividivi tree (Watapana)
  • Korporaal_20140814_010Flower and leaves of the Korona di Hesus
  • Korporaal_20140814_011Korona di Hesus tree
  • Korporaal_20140814_012Trace of former agriculture
  • Korporaal_20140814_013Fossil shell
  • Korporaal_20140814_014Crop circle with three sleuths
  • Korporaal_20140814_015Panoramic view of Korporaal; to the left Scherpenheuvel, to the right Bottelier
  • Korporaal_20140814_016The sleuths take a rest at one of the hills
  • Korporaal_20140814_018Surprise: a Dreifi di laman and no laman (sea) in sight
  • Korporaal_20140814_019Leaves and fruits of the Dreifi di laman
  • Korporaal_20140814_020A nice intact well
  • Korporaal_20140814_022This one contains water; notice the way the upper part is formed
  • Korporaal_20140814_023Pan di diabel - flower and fruit
  • Korporaal_20140814_024Pan di diabel - plant
  • Korporaal_20140814_025The second well is no longer intact
  • Korporaal_20140814_026Same structure of the inside
  • Korporaal_20140814_028Apparently the mondi burned
  • Korporaal_20140814_029Nice car wreck
  • Korporaal_20140814_030
  • Korporaal_20140814_031Former hofi with lots of Tamarind trees
  • Korporaal_20140814_034Nymph skin of the Cicade
  • Korporaal_20140814_035Impressive Tamarind tree
  • Korporaal_20140814_037More Tamarind trees
  • Korporaal_20140814_039Look how tall these are
  • Korporaal_20140814_046The sign didn't help much
  • Korporaal_20140814_047Last resting place of a car that brought people to their last resting place