When comparing a detailed topographic map of Willemstad from early 1900s (Werbata) with the most recent topographic map of the Land Registry from 1993 I noticed some large buildings in Western Willemstad on both maps. That means they all date from the early 1900s and still exist. As the pictures show this does not mean that they are still in good condition. If they got a new destination then they are in good condition, otherwise they are in decline. Coincidentally, all these buildings appear to be former hospitals.

Old Military Hospital

First the Old Military Hospital. There was no new destination for this building and consequently it is in pretty bad shape. On the outside walls there are pictures and descriptions of other historical buildings but strangely enough nothing about this building itself.
It seems that there has been a fire. The beams of the ceiling clearly show traces of fire but it seems that this fire was quickly extinguished.

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Yellow Fever Hospital

According to the old map across the street of the Old Military Hospital the Yellow Fever Hospital was situated. Currently the Curaçao Museum is located in this building; the building is in perfect shape.

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Country Hospital

A little further along the Road to Welgelegen it the location of the former Country Hospital. It is at the left hand side of the road opposite the mosque. The building is in reasonable condition. There are clear signs that this is private property, but it is not clear what it is used for nowadays. There are a few cars on the property and there is some construction going on.

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