IC 426 final logo webThis small reflection nebula is located about 1 degree north of Epsilon Orionis (the middle star of Orion's belt). It has the designation IC 426 and is also cataloged as LBN 921.
There is not much information written about this nebula; it is a reflection nebula which means that the nebula is visible because of the reflection of the light of nearby stars.
Because it is a very dim object I scheduled 35 missions through the Slooh telescop Chili Two of which I had to discard the results of 7 missions because of too much moonlight and light clouds. The resulting 112 images represent a total exposure time of a bit more than 51 minutes. The resulting FITS-files are combined and processed in PixInsight. The final image is cropped to get the nebula more in the center of the picture.
Probably this picture would benefit from a lot more missions.

Click on the image to get a larger version of it.