NGC 3576 is a HII Ionized region in the Carina constellation. This nebula is a minor nebula in the Sagittarius arm of the Galaxy a few thousand light years from the Eta Carinae nebula. When John Herschel discovered this nebula in 1834 he could only see several bright nebulous patches and eventually this nebula received six separate classification numbers, NGC 3576, 3579, 3581, 3582, 3584 and 3586. These days astronomers usually call the entire nebula NGC 3576.
It got the nickname Statue of Liberty nebula because in images made with narrowband filters there is clearly a form visible resembling the statue of liberty. The dark nebula above the middle is the body of the statue but the arm with the torch is not visible in this RGB-image.
I scheduled 25 missions through the Slooh Chili two telescope with a total exposure time of 46 minutes. The resulting Fits-files were combined and processed in PixInsight.
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