NGC 1333 final2 logo webNGC 1333 is a reflection nebula located in the northern constellation Perseus, positioned next to the southern constellation border with Taurus and Aries. It was first discovered by German astronomer Eduard Schönfeld in 1855. This nebula is also called the Embryo nebula.
It is associated with a dark cloud L1450 (Barnard 205). Estimates of the distance to this nebula range from 980–1,140 light years. This nebula is in the western part of the Perseus molecular cloud and is a young region of very active star formation, being one of the best-studied objects of its type.
I scheduled 30 missions through the Slooh telescope Canary Two Wide Field with a total exposure of 55 minutes. The resulting FITS-files were combined and processed in PixInsight. It was a difficult object to process because of the very bad condition of the sensor of this telescope and because of the fact that the nebulosity is very dim. I also cropped the the image.

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